Information and its dis_contents
Information and its dis_contents -Trump as the world soul of the information age ________________________________________________________________________________ Cognitive Mapping of the present world There is much discontent what information is. Not what it means (everyone is adamantly sure about that). The quantum physicist Niels Bohr once claimed: »Information is a super weird substance«. At least according to magician and writer Alan Moore. I didn’t bother to factcheck, because i don’t need to know. I just need you to know that i know. There is the famous anec dot e about Niels Bohr too - paraded around by fellow quantum physicist Slavoj Zizek trapped within a superposition between compact magazine and documentaries filmed by Sophia Fiennes due to a failed science experiment . Rare Photo Of An Hegelian Cryptid To reiterate: Niels Bohrs door is adorned by a horse shoe. Drawn in by this apparent contradictory aggregration of supers...